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PronySeriesFrequencyDomainComplexInterpolation Class

Interpolation with a sum of Prony terms of a complex relaxation or retardation function in frequency domain. Note that for a relaxation the real part is increasing with frequency (e.g. complex mechanical modulus), whereas for a retardation the real part is decreasing with frequency (e.g. complex electrical permittivity). We assume here that even for a retardation the imaginary part is positive: eps* = eps' - i eps''.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.Interpolation
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public class PronySeriesFrequencyDomainComplexInterpolation : PronySeriesInterpolationBase, 
	IComplexInterpolation, IEquatable<PronySeriesFrequencyDomainComplexInterpolation>

The PronySeriesFrequencyDomainComplexInterpolation type exposes the following members.

Public methodPronySeriesFrequencyDomainComplexInterpolationInitializes a new instance of the PronySeriesFrequencyDomainComplexInterpolation class
Public propertyAllowNegativePronyCoefficients If true, also negative Prony coefficients are allowed. The default value is false.
(Inherited from PronySeriesInterpolationBase)
Public propertyIsRelaxation If true, the Prony terms model a relaxation process, i.e. a modulus, where the real part increases with frequency. If false, the Prony terms model a retardation process, i.e. a susceptibility, where the real part decreases with frequency.
(Inherited from PronySeriesInterpolationBase)
Public propertyIsSupportingSeparateXForRealAndImaginaryPart 
Public propertyNumberOfPoints If PointsPerDecade is 0, this property specifies a fixed number of Prony terms. Else, if PointsPerDecade is > 0, this property specifies the maximum number of Prony terms.
(Inherited from PronySeriesInterpolationBase)
Public propertyPointsPerDecade Gets the number of Prony terms per decade. If this value is <=0, the property NumberOfPoints specifiy a fixed number of Prony terms. Else, if this property is > 0, it specify the number of Prony terms per decade, and NumberOfPoints only specifies the maximum number of Prony terms.
(Inherited from PronySeriesInterpolationBase)
Public propertyRegularizationParameter Gets /sets the regularization parameter that controls the smoothing of the resulting curve. The higher the parameter, the smoother the resulting curve will be.
(Inherited from PronySeriesInterpolationBase)
Public propertyUseIntercept If true, besides of the Prony terms, additionally an intercept is fitted to the data.
(Inherited from PronySeriesInterpolationBase)
Public propertyXMinimumMaximum Gets the minimum and maximum x values to be used. If this property is null, then the minimum and maximum x is determined automatically. In time domain, the x values are times. In frequency domain, the x values are frequencies (frequencies, not circular frequencies!).
(Inherited from PronySeriesInterpolationBase)
See Also