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IFitFunctionPeak Interface

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Altaxo.Calc.FitFunctions.Peaks.IFitFunctionPeak"]

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.FitFunctions.Peaks
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public interface IFitFunctionPeak : IFitFunction

The IFitFunctionPeak type exposes the following members.

Public propertyNumberOfDependentVariables Number of dependent variables (i.e. y, in Altaxo this is commonly called v (like value)).
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public propertyNumberOfIndependentVariables Number of independent variables (i.e. x).
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public propertyNumberOfParameters Number of parameters of this fit function.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public propertyNumberOfTerms Gets the number of terms.
Public propertyOrderOfBaselinePolynomial Gets the order of the polynomial that is used for the baseline. A value of -1 disables the baseline.
Public propertyParameterNamesForOnePeak Gets the parameter names for one peak.
Public methodDefaultParameterValue Returns a default parameter value. You must ensure that the fit function would generate values with those default parameters.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodDefaultVarianceScaling Returns the default variance scaling for the dependent variable i.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodDependentVariableName Returns the ith dependent variable name.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodEvaluate(Double, Double, Double) This evaluates a function value.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodEvaluate(IROMatrixDouble, IReadOnlyListDouble, IVectorDouble, IReadOnlyListBoolean) Evaluates the function values at multiple x-points.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodGetInitialParametersFromHeightPositionAndWidthAtRelativeHeight Gets the initial parameters for one term (peak) by providing the height of the peak, the position of the peak, the width of the peak, and the relative height at which the width was measured.
Public methodGetParameterBoundariesForPositivePeaks Gets the parameter boundaries in order to have positive peaks only.
Public methodGetParameterBoundariesHardLimit Gets the parameter boundaries that are really a hard limit, i.e. outside those limits, the function would probably evaluate NaN values, or makes no sense.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodGetParameterBoundariesSoftLimit Gets the intended parameter boundaries. This are soft limits, boundaries so that the intended purpose of the fit function is fullfilled. Example: in the exponential decay Exp(-a*t) a is intended to be positive. This is a soft limit, and not a hard limit, because a could be also negative, and the fit nevertheless would succeed.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodGetPositionAreaHeightFWHMFromSinglePeakParameters(IReadOnlyListDouble) Gets the position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) from the parameters of a single peak.
Public methodGetPositionAreaHeightFWHMFromSinglePeakParameters(IReadOnlyListDouble, IROMatrixDouble) Gets the position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) from the parameters of a single peak. If the covariance matrix is given, then also the standard deviations of position, area, height, FWHM are calculated (otherwise, zero values are returned for the standard deviations).
Public methodIndependentVariableName Returns the ith independent variable name.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodParameterName Returns the ith parameter name.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
Public methodWithNumberOfTerms Creates a new fit function with the provided number of terms (peaks).
Public methodWithOrderOfBaselinePolynomial Creates a new fit function with the provided order of the baseline polynomial. A value of -1 disables the baseline.
Public eventChanged Occurs when the fit function changed, including number or name of parameters, independent variables, dependent variables, or the scaling.
(Inherited from IFitFunction)
See Also