Constants Class |
public static class Constants
The Constants type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Atto | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.000 000 000 000 000 001 | |
Avogadro | Avogadro constant: [mol^-1] (2010 CODATA) | |
BohrMagneton | Bohr Magneton: mu_B = e*h_bar/2*m_e [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
BohrRadius | Bor Radius: a_0 = alpha/4*Pi*R_infty [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
Catalan | The Catalan constant | |
Centi | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.01 | |
CharacteristicImpedanceVacuum | Characteristic Impedance of Vacuum: Z_0 = mu_0*c_0 [Ohm = m^2 kg s^-3 A^-2] (defined, exact; 2007 CODATA) | |
ClassicalElectronRadius | Classical Electron Radius: [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
ComptonWavelength | Electron Compton Wavelength: [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
ConductanceQuantum | Conductance Quantum: G_0 = 2*e^2/h [S = m^-2 kg^-1 s^3 A^2] (2007 CODATA) | |
Deca | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 10 | |
Deci | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.1 | |
Degree | The number (pi)/180 - factor to convert from Degree (deg) to Radians (rad). | |
DeuteronMagneticMoment | Deuteron Magnetic Moment: [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
DeuteronMass | Deuteron Mass: [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
DeuteronMassEnegryEquivalent | Deuteron Mass Energy Equivalent: [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
DeuteronMolarMass | Deuteron Molar Mass: [kg mol^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
DiracsConstant | Reduced Planck's constant: h_bar = h / (2*Pi) [J s = m^2 kg s^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
E | The number e | |
ElectricPermittivity | Electric Permittivity in Vacuum: epsilon_0 = 1/(mu_0*c_0^2) [F m^-1 = A^2 s^4 kg^-1 m^-3] (defined, exact; 2007 CODATA) | |
ElectronGFactor | Electon G-Factor: [1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ElectronMagneticMoment | Electron Magnetic Moment: [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ElectronMass | Electron Mass: [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
ElectronMassEnergyEquivalent | Electron Mass Energy Equivalent: [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
ElectronMolarMass | Electron Molar Mass: [kg mol^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ElementaryCharge | Elementary Electron Charge: e = 1.602176487e-19 [C = A s] (2007 CODATA) | |
EulerMascheroni | The Euler-Mascheroni constant | |
Exa | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 | |
Femto | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.000 000 000 000 001 | |
FermiCouplingConstant | Fermi Coupling Constant: G_F/(h_bar*c_0)^3 [GeV^-2] (2007 CODATA) | |
FineStructureConstant | Fine Structure Constant: alpha = e^2/4*Pi*e_0*h_bar*c_0 [1] (2007 CODATA) | |
Giga | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 000 000 | |
Glaisher | The Glaisher constant | |
GoldenRatio | The number (1+sqrt(5))/2, also known as the golden ratio | |
Grad | The number (pi)/200 - factor to convert from NewGrad (grad) to Radians (rad). | |
GravitationalConstant | Newtonian Constant of Gravitation: G = 6.67429e-11 [m^3 kg^-1 s^-2] (2007 CODATA) | |
HalfSqrt3 | The number sqrt(3)/2 | |
HartreeEnergy | Hartree Energy: E_h = 2*R_infty*h*c_0 [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
Hecto | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 100 | |
HelionMass | Helion Mass: [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
HelionMassEnegryEquivalent | Helion Mass Energy Equivalent: [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
HelionMolarMass | Helion Molar Mass: [kg mol^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
InvE | The number 1/e | |
InvPi | The number 1/pi | |
InvSqrt2Pi | The number 1/sqrt(2pi) | |
InvSqrtPi | The number 1/sqrt(pi) | |
JosephsonConstant | Josephson Constant: K_J = 2*e/h [Hz V^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
Khinchin | The Khinchin constant | |
Kilo | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 | |
Ln10 | The number log[e](10) | |
Ln2 | The number log[e](2) | |
Ln2PiOver2 | The number log[e](2*pi)/2 | |
LnPi | The number log[e](pi) | |
Log10E | The number log[10](e) | |
Log2E | The number log[2](e) | |
LogSqrt2Pi | The number log(sqrt(2*pi)) | |
LogSqrt2PiE | The number log(sqrt(2*pi*e)) | |
LogTwoSqrtEOverPi | The number log(2 * sqrt(e / pi)) | |
MagneticFluxQuantum | Magnetic Flux Quantum: theta_0 = h/(2*e) [Wb = m^2 kg s^-2 A^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
MagneticPermeability | Magnetic Permeability in Vacuum: mu_0 = 4*Pi * 10^-7 [N A^-2 = kg m A^-2 s^-2] (defined, exact; 2007 CODATA) | |
Mega | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 000 | |
Micro | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.000 001 | |
Milli | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.001 | |
MuonComptonWavelength | Muon Compton Wavelength: [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
MuonGFactor | Muon G-Factor: [1] (2007 CODATA) | |
MuonMagneticMoment | Muon Magnetic Moment: [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
MuonMass | Muon Mass: [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
MuonMassEnegryEquivalent | Muon Mass Energy Equivalent: [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
MuonMolarMass | Muon Molar Mass: [kg mol^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
Nano | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.000 000 001 | |
NeutralDecibel | The number ln(10)/10 - factor to convert from Neutral Decibel (dB) to Neper (Np). Use this version when either both or neither of the Decibel and the compared values represent powers. | |
NeutronComptonWavelength | Neuron Compton Wavelength: [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
NeutronGFactor | Neutron G-Factor: [1] (2007 CODATA) | |
NeutronGyromagneticRatio | Neutron Gyro-Magnetic Ratio: [s^-1 T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
NeutronMagneticMoment | Neutron Magnetic Moment: [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
NeutronMass | Neutron Mass: [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
NeutronMassEnegryEquivalent | Neutron Mass Energy Equivalent: [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
NeutronMolarMass | Neutron Molar Mass: [kg mol^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
NuclearMagneton | Nuclear Magneton: mu_N = e*h_bar/2*m_p [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
Peta | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 000 000 000 000 | |
Pi | The number pi | |
Pi2 | The number pi*2 | |
Pi3Over2 | The number pi*3/2 | |
Pico | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.000 000 000 001 | |
PiOver2 | The number pi/2 | |
PiOver4 | The number pi/4 | |
PlancksConstant | Planck's constant: h = 6.62606896e-34 [J s = m^2 kg s^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
PlancksLength | Planck length: l_p = h_bar/(m_p*c_0) [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
PlancksMass | Planck mass: m_p = (h_bar*c_0/G)^(1/2) [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
PlancksTemperature | Planck temperature: T_p = (h_bar*c_0^5/G)^(1/2)/k [K] (2007 CODATA) | |
PlancksTime | Planck time: t_p = l_p/c_0 [s] (2007 CODATA) | |
PowerDecibel | The number ln(10)/20 - factor to convert from Power Decibel (dB) to Neper (Np). Use this version when the Decibel represent a power gain but the compared values are not powers (e.g. amplitude, current, voltage). | |
ProtonComptonWavelength | Proton Compton Wavelength: [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
ProtonGFactor | Proton G-Factor: [1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ProtonGyromagneticRatio | Proton Gyro-Magnetic Ratio: [s^-1 T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ProtonMagneticMoment | Proton Magnetic Moment: [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ProtonMass | Proton Mass: [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
ProtonMassEnergyEquivalent | Proton Mass Energy Equivalent: [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
ProtonMolarMass | Proton Molar Mass: [kg mol^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
QuantumOfCirculation | Quantum of Circulation: h/2*m_e [m^2 s^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
RydbergConstant | Rydberg Constant: R_infty = alpha^2*m_e*c_0/2*h [m^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ShieldedProtonGyromagneticRatio | Proton Shielded Gyro-Magnetic Ratio: [s^-1 T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
ShieldedProtonMagneticMoment | Proton Shielded Magnetic Moment: [J T^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
SizeOfComplex | The size of a Complex in bytes. | |
SizeOfComplex32 | The size of a Complex in bytes. | |
SizeOfDouble | The size of a double in bytes. | |
SizeOfFloat | The size of a float in bytes. | |
SizeOfInt | The size of an int in bytes. | |
SpeedOfLight | Speed of Light in Vacuum: c_0 = 2.99792458e8 [m s^-1] (defined, exact; 2007 CODATA) | |
Sqrt1Over2 | The number sqrt(1/2) = 1/sqrt(2) = sqrt(2)/2 | |
Sqrt2 | The number sqrt(2) | |
Sqrt2Pi | The number sqrt(2pi) | |
Sqrt2PiE | The number sqrt(2*pi*e) | |
Sqrt3 | The number sqrt(3) | |
SqrtE | The number sqrt(e) | |
SqrtPi | The number sqrt(pi) | |
SqrtPiOver2 | The number sqrt(pi/2) | |
TauComptonWavelength | Tau Compton Wavelength: [m] (2007 CODATA) | |
TauMass | Tau Mass: [kg] (2007 CODATA) | |
TauMassEnergyEquivalent | Tau Mass Energy Equivalent: [J] (2007 CODATA) | |
TauMolarMass | Tau Molar Mass: [kg mol^-1] (2007 CODATA) | |
Tera | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 000 000 000 | |
ThomsonCrossSection | Thomson Cross Section: [m^2] (2002 CODATA) | |
TwoInvPi | The number 2/pi | |
TwoInvSqrtPi | The number 2/sqrt(pi) | |
TwoSqrtEOverPi | The number 2 * sqrt(e / pi) | |
VonKlitzingConstant | Von Klitzing Constant: R_K = h/e^2 [Ohm = m^2 kg s^-3 A^-2] (2007 CODATA) | |
WeakMixingAngle | Weak Mixin Angle: sin^2(theta_W) [1] (2007 CODATA) | |
Yocto | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 | |
Yotta | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 | |
Zepto | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 | |
Zetta | The SI prefix factor corresponding to 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 |