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AddInManager Class

Manages all actions performed on AddIns. An AddInManager GUI can use the methods here to install/update/uninstall AddIns. There are three types of AddIns: - Preinstalled AddIns (added by host application) -> can only be disabled - External AddIns -> can be added, disabled and removed Removing external AddIns only removes the reference to the .addin file but does not delete the AddIn. - User AddIns -> are installed to UserAddInPath, can be installed, disabled and uninstalled
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Altaxo.AddInItems
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static class AddInManager

The AddInManager type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAddInInstallTemp Gets or sets the addin install temporary directory. This is a directory used to store AddIns that should be installed on the next start of the application. This property is normally initialized by ConfigureUserAddIns(String, String).
Public propertyStatic memberConfigurationFileName Gets or sets the full name of the configuration file. In this file, the AddInManager stores the list of disabled AddIns and the list of installed external AddIns. This property is normally initialized by ConfigureExternalAddIns(String).
Public propertyStatic memberUserAddInPath Gets or sets the user addin path. This is the path where user AddIns are installed to. This property is normally initialized by ConfigureUserAddIns(String, String).
Public methodStatic memberAbortRemoveUserAddInOnNextStart Prevents a user AddIn from being uninstalled. RemoveUserAddInOnNextStart(String) schedules the AddIn for deinstallation, you can unschedule it using AbortRemoveUserAddInOnNextStart(String)
Public methodStatic memberAddExternalAddIns Adds the specified external AddIns to the list of registered external AddIns.
Public methodStatic memberDisable Marks the specified AddIns as disabled (will take effect after next application restart).
Public methodStatic memberEnable Marks the specified AddIns as enabled (will take effect after next application restart).
Public methodStatic memberInstallAddIns Installs the AddIns from AddInInstallTemp to the UserAddInPath. In case of installation errors, a error message is displayed to the user and the affected AddIn is added to the disabled list. This method is normally called by ConfigureUserAddIns(String, String)
Public methodStatic memberLoadAddInConfiguration Loads a configuration file. The 'file' from XML elements in the form "<AddIn file='full path to .addin file'>" will be added to addInFiles, the 'addin' element from "<Disable addin='addin identity'>" will be added to disabledAddIns, all other XML elements are ignored.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveExternalAddIns Removes the specified external AddIns from the list of registered external AddIns.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveUserAddInOnNextStart Uninstalls the user addin on next start. RemoveUserAddInOnNextStart(String) schedules the AddIn for deinstallation, you can unschedule it using AbortRemoveUserAddInOnNextStart(String)
Public methodStatic memberSaveAddInConfiguration Saves the AddIn configuration in the format expected by LoadAddInConfiguration(ListString, ListString).
See Also