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PrincetonInstrumentsSPEReader Properties

The PrincetonInstrumentsSPEReader type exposes the following members.

Public propertyData Gets the data. The first index is the frame number. The second index is the index of the region of interest. Thus, Data[0][0] will return the data array of the first frame and the first region of interest.
Public propertyDataType Gets the type of the data used in the SPE files. In this reader, all data is converted to double values.
Public propertyDimensions 
Public propertyDocumentMetaData Gets the complete metadata set of the SPE file.
Public propertyFrameMetaDataNames Gets the meta data names. Meta data are given separately for each frame. Thus, the names here refer to the second dimension of the FrameMetaDataValues array.
Public propertyFrameMetaDataValues Gets the meta data. Meta data are given separately for each frame. Thus, the first dimension is the frame index. The second dimension is the various metadata, whose name is given in the FrameMetaDataNames list.
Public propertyLaserWavelength Gets the laser wavelength in nm. If a laser wavelength value was given, the wavelength values of the x-axis are converted to shift values in inverse cm.
Public propertyNumberOfFrames Gets the number of frames.
Public propertyNumberOfRegionsOfInterest Gets the number of regions of interest.
Public propertyRegionsOfInterest Gets the regions of interest.
Public propertyVersion Gets the version of the SPE file.
Public propertyXValues Gets the x values.
Public propertyXValuesAreShiftValues Gets a value indicating whether the x values are shift values.
See Also