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SmoothingCubicSplineBase Properties

The SmoothingCubicSplineBase type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCalculateStandardErrorEstimates If true, standard error estimates are calculated and provided in ErrorEstimate.
Public propertyCheckArguments If true, the array given as arguments are checked.
Public propertyCoefficient0 Returns the spline coefficient of order 0. This are the splined y values at the positions given by x.
Public propertyCoefficient1 Returns the spline coefficient of order 1 (linear term).
Public propertyCoefficient2 Returns the spline coefficient of order 2 (quadratic term).
Public propertyCoefficient3 Returns the spline coefficient of order 2 (cubic term).
Public propertyCombineNeighbouringPoints If true, points with x values that are very similar are combined into one point, which helds the average value of x and y
Public propertyErrorEstimate Returns the error estimates of the y points.
Public propertyErrorStandardDeviation If the error standard deviation of the provided points is unknown, set this value to -1. Then a cross validating cubic spline is fitted to the data. If the error standard deviation is known and is equal for all points, set this value to the error standard deviation of the points. If the error standard deviation is known and different for each point, set this value to 1, and provide the error standard deviation for each point by calling Interpolate(IReadOnlyListDouble, IReadOnlyListDouble, Double, IReadOnlyListDouble).
Public propertyEstimatedDegreesOfFreedom Estimate of the number of degrees of freedom of the residual sum of squares which reduces to the usual value of n-2 when a least squares regression line was calculated.
Public propertyEstimatedErrorVariance Estimate of the error variance. The value coincides with the output value of var if var is negative on input. It is calculated with the unscaled values of the df[i] to facilitate comparisons with a priori variance estimates.
Public propertyEstimatedTrueMeanSquareError Estimate of the true mean square error at the data points.
Public propertyGeneralizedCrossValidation Generalized cross validation.
Public propertyMeanSquareOfInputStandardDeviation Mean square value of the standard deviations in dy[i] (if they were provided). The values of GeneralizedCrossValidation, MeanSquareResidual and EstimatedTrueMeanSquareError are calculated with the dy[i] scaled to have a mean square value 1. The unscaled values of GeneralizedCrossValidation, MeanSquareResidual and EstimatedTrueMeanSquareError may be calculated by dividing by this value.
Public propertyMeanSquareResidual Mean square residual.
Public propertySmoothingParameter Smoothing parameter = rho/(rho+1), that varies between 0 (not smoothed) and 1 (full smoothed). If the value is 0 (rho=0) an interpolating natural cubic spline has been calculated. If the value is 1 (rho=infinite) a least squares regression line has been calculated.
See Also