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AsciiExporterExportAscii Method

Overload List
Public methodExportAscii(Stream, DataTable) Exports a table to Ascii using a stream. The stream is not closed at the end of this function.
Public methodStatic memberExportAscii(Stream, DataTable, AsciiExportOptions) Exports a table to Ascii using a stream. The stream is not closed at the end of this function.
Public methodStatic memberExportAscii(Stream, DataTable, Char) Exports a table to Ascii using a stream. The stream is not closed at the end of this function.
Public methodStatic memberExportAscii(String, DataTable, AsciiExportOptions) Exports a table into an Ascii file.
Public methodStatic memberExportAscii(String, DataTable, Char) Exports a table into an Ascii file.
See Also