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PeakFinderSetWidth Method

Overload List
Public methodSetWidth(Double) Sets the minimal width value required for all peaks. The width of a peak is determined at the y-value, which is (prominence x relative height) less than the peak's y-value.
Public methodSetWidth(Double) Sets the minimal width value required for each peak. The width of a peak is determined at the y-value, which is (prominence x relative height) less than the peak's y-value.
Public methodSetWidth(ValueTupleDouble, Double) Sets the minimal and maximal width value required for all peaks. The width of a peak is determined at the y-value, which is (prominence x relative height) less than the peak's y-value.
Public methodSetWidth(ValueTupleDouble, Double) Sets the minimal and maximal width values required for each peak. The width of a peak is determined at the y-value, which is (prominence x relative height) less than the peak's y-value.
See Also