| Class | Description |
| AbstractWorksheetControllerCommand |
Provides a abstract class for issuing commands that apply to worksheet controllers.
| AddDataColumns | |
| AddPropertyColumns | |
| AltaxoProvokeException |
Menu point to provoke an exception.
| Analysis2DCenteredFFT | |
| Analysis2DFFT | |
| AnalysisDifferentiateSmooth | |
| AnalysisExportPLSCalibration | |
| AnalysisFFT | |
| AnalysisInterpolation | |
| AnalysisMasterCurveCreation | |
| AnalysisMultiplyColumnsToMatrix | |
| AnalysisMultivariateLinearRegression | |
| AnalysisPCAOnCols | |
| AnalysisPCAOnRows | |
| AnalysisPLSOnCols | |
| AnalysisPLSPredictOnCols | |
| AnalysisPronyRelaxationFrequencyDomain | |
| AnalysisPronyRelaxationTimeDomain | |
| AnalysisPronyRetardationFrequencyDomain | |
| AnalysisPronyRetardationTimeDomain | |
| AnalysisStatisticsCreateHistogram | |
| AnalysisStatisticsOnColumns | |
| AnalysisStatisticsOnRows | |
| ChangeRowsToPropertyColumns | |
| ColumnCommands |
Contains static functions for handling column commands.
| Convolute | |
| Correlate | |
| CreatePropertyColumnOfColumnNames | |
| DataSourceCommands | |
| DecomposeByColumnContent | |
| DecomposeCyclingIndependentVariable | |
| EditClean | |
| EditCommands |
Summary description for EditCommands.
| EditCopy | |
| EditPaste | |
| EditRemove | |
| EditTableDataSource | |
| ExportAscii | |
| ExportGalacticSPC | |
| ExportRamanCHADA | |
| ExtractPropertyValues | |
| FillWithValue |
Opens a dialog to select a value (text, numeric, or DateTime), then
fills the selected cells or the entire table with it.
| GotoTableRow |
Opens a dialog to enter a row number,
and then jumps to that row in the worksheet view.
| ImportAnyDataFile | |
| ImportAscii | |
| ImportAsciiInSingleWorksheetHorizontally | |
| ImportAsciiInSingleWorksheetVertically | |
| ImportBrukerOpus | |
| ImportDatabase | |
| ImportDataFileCommandBaseTImporter | |
| ImportGalacticSPC | |
| ImportImage | |
| ImportJcamp | |
| ImportNexus | |
| ImportNicoletSPA | |
| ImportOrigin | |
| ImportPrincetonInstrumentsSPE | |
| ImportRamanCHADA | |
| ImportRenishawWdf | |
| ImportWiTec | |
| InsertDataRows | |
| InsertOneDataRow | |
| OpenDataColumnScriptDialog | |
| OpenExtractTableDataScriptDialog | |
| OpenFileImportScriptDialog | |
| OpenProcessSourceTablesScriptDialog | |
| OpenPropertyColumnScriptDialog | |
| OpenTableScriptDialog | |
| PlotBarChartNormal | |
| PlotBarChartRelativeStack | |
| PlotBarChartStack | |
| PlotColumnChartNormal | |
| PlotColumnChartRelativeStack | |
| PlotColumnChartStack | |
| PlotCommands |
PlotCommands contains methods for creating different plot types.
| PlotCommands3D |
PlotCommands contains methods for creating different plot types.
| PlotCommonColumnsCommand |
Saves the options for the 'Plot common columns' command and contains the logic to execute that command with the stored options.
| PlotDensityImage | |
| PlotLine | |
| PlotLineAndScatter | |
| PlotLineArea | |
| PlotLinePolar | |
| PlotLineRelativeStack | |
| PlotLineStack | |
| PlotLineWaterfall | |
| PlotScatter | |
| PLSModelConditionEvaluator |
This condition is true if the active view content is a worksheet which contains PLS model data.
| PLSPlotCrossPredictedVersusActualYIndividually | |
| PLSPlotCrossPRESSValue | |
| PLSPlotPredictedVersusActualYIndividually | |
| PLSPlotPredictionScores | |
| PLSPlotPreprocessedSpectra | |
| PLSPlotPRESSValue | |
| PLSPlotXCrossResidualsIndividually | |
| PLSPlotXLeverage | |
| PLSPlotXResidualsIndividually | |
| PLSPlotYCrossResidualsIndividually | |
| PLSPlotYResidualsIndividually | |
| PLSQuestPreferredNumberOfFactors | |
| RemoveAllButSelected | |
| RenameColumn | |
| RequeryTableDataSource | |
| RowCommands |
Contains static functions for handling row commands.
| SaveAs | |
| SaveAsTemplate | |
| SelectedDataConditionEvaluator |
This helps in conditions where the number of selected data columns cares.
Valid values are all (all columns must be selected, none (no column must be selected),
one (exactly one column must be selected), any (one or more columns must be selected),
or the number of columns.
| SelectedPropertyConditionEvaluator |
This helps in conditions where the number of selected property columns cares.
Valid values are all (all columns must be selected, none (no column must be selected),
one (exactly one column must be selected), any (one or more columns must be selected),
or the number of columns.
| SetColumnAsError | |
| SetColumnAsLabel | |
| SetColumnAsNegativeError | |
| SetColumnAsPositiveError | |
| SetColumnAsValue | |
| SetColumnAsX | |
| SetColumnAsY | |
| SetColumnGroupNumber | |
| SetColumnPosition | |
| SetColumnValues | |
| SetRowPosition | |
| SortColumnsByPropertyColumnAscending | |
| SortColumnsByPropertyColumnDescending | |
| SortTableAscending | |
| SortTableDescending | |
| SpectroscopyFitPeaksInMultipleSpectra | |
| SpectroscopyPeakFindingFitting | |
| SpectroscopyPreprocessing | |
| SpectroscopyRamanNeonCalibration | |
| SpectroscopyRamanSiliconCalibration | |
| SpectroscopyYCalibration | |
| TableDataSourcePresentConditionEvaluator |
Evaluates the condition, whether or not a data source is present for a table.
| TableShowProperties | |
| WorksheetClearDataAll | |
| WorksheetClearDataOnly | |
| WorksheetClearDataTableShowDialog | |
| WorksheetCommands |
WorksheetCommands contain operations concerning the worksheet itself, such as rename.
| WorksheetDuplicate | |
| WorksheetMoveTo | |
| WorksheetRemoveDataAndPropertyColumns | |
| WorksheetRemoveDataColumnsOnly | |
| WorksheetRemovePropertyColumnsOnly | |
| WorksheetRename | |
| WorksheetTranspose | |
| XYVToMatrix | |