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Altaxo.Graph.Plot.Data Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Altaxo.Graph.Plot.Data"]

Public classColumnPlotDataExchangeColumnsData Model used to exchange common column names in multiple plot items concurrently.
Public classColumnPlotDataExchangeDataBase Base class for models that are used to exchange the underlying table or data columns of plot items.
Public classColumnPlotDataExchangeTableData Model used to exchange the data table in multiple plot items concurrently.
Public classPlotRange PlotRange represents a range of plotting points from index lowerBound to (upperBound-1) I use a class instead of a struct because it is intended to use with ArrayList.
Public classPlotRangeCompound Compound of plot ranges that can be treated as a single plot range, because it implements IPlotRange.
Public classPlotRangeList Holds a list of plot ranges. The list is not sorted automatically, but is assumed to be sorted.
Public classPolynomialFunction

Evaluates a polynomial a0 + a1*x + a2*x^2 ...

Special serializable version for plotting purposes.

Public classProductFunction

Evaluates the product of other functions f(x) = f1(x)^a1*f2(x)^a2*...

Special serializable version for plotting purposes.

Public classScaledSumFunction

Evaluates a scaled sum of other functions f(x) = a1*f1(x)+ a2*f2(x)+...

Special serializable version for plotting purposes.

Public classSquareRootFunction

Evaluates the square root of another function

Special serializable version for plotting purposes.

Public classXYColumnPlotData Summary description for XYColumnPlotData.
Public classXYFunctionPlotData Summary description for XYFunctionPlotData.
Public classXYFunctionPlotDataBase Summary description for XYFunctionPlotData.
Public classXYNonlinearFitFunctionConfidenceBandPlotData Summary description for XYFunctionPlotData.
Public classXYNonlinearFitFunctionPlotData Summary description for XYFunctionPlotData.
Public classXYScatterPointInformation Provides information about a single scatter point, like coordinates, row index, index into plot and so on.
Public classXYZColumnPlotData Summary description for XYColumnPlotData.
Public classXYZMeshedColumnPlotData Summary description for XYColumnPlotData.
Public classXYZScatterPointInformation Provides information about a single scatter point, like coordinates, row index, index into plot and so on.
Public structureColumnInformation Gui information about a required column, for instance for selection of columns for plot items.
Public structureColumnInformationSimple Gui information about a required column, for instance for selection of rows.
Public structureGroupOfColumnsInformation Bundles a set of column informations of columns belonging to each other. For instance, in a 3D-Plot, the columns 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' belonging to each other. Other examples of column groups are the columns needed for a vector style, or for an error style.
Public interfaceIColumnPlotData Common interface to column plot data as XYColumnPlotData or XYZColumnPlotData.
Public interfaceIPlotRange Interface to a plot range. A plot range designates a range of indices in the array of already converted plot points (converted to layer coordinates), together with information about the original data rows that correspond to the data.
Public interfaceIXYFunctionPlotData Interface to 2D function plot data.