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MarkdownUtilities Methods

The MarkdownUtilities type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodEnumerateAllMarkdownObjectsRecursively Enumerates all objects in a markdown parse tree recursively, starting with the given element.
Public Extension MethodGetChildList Gets the childs of a markdown object. Null is returned if no childs were to be found.
Public Extension MethodGetChilds Gets the childs of a markdown object. Null is returned if no childs were to be found.
Public methodStatic memberGetReferencedImageUrls Gets a list of all referenced image Urls. We use this only in the serialization code to serialize only those local images which are referenced in the markdown.
Public methodStatic memberIsLinkInElement Determines whether the given url points to anywhere inside the given Markdig element.
Public Extension MethodUseSupportedExtensions Uses all extensions supported by Markdig.Wpf.
See Also