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IProject Methods

The IProject type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddItem Adds the provided project item to the Altaxo project, for instance a table or a graph, to the project. For ProjectFolderPropertyDocuments, if a document with the same name is already present, the properties are merged.
Public methodAddItemWithThisOrModifiedName Adds the provided project item to the Altaxo project, for instance a table or a graph, to the project. If another project item with the same name already exists, a new unique name for the item is found, based on the given name. For ProjectFolderPropertyDocuments, if a document with the same name is already present, the properties are merged.
Public methodClearIsDirty Clears the IsDirty flag in a more advanced manner, supporting the needs for late loading of data etc. It should update the data needed for deferred data loading before clearing the flag.
Public methodContainsItem Tests if the project item given in the argument is already contained in this document.
Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodEhChildChanged This function is used by the childs of an object to signal an parent object that they have changed. If the function returns true, the child have to suspend it's change notifications (if this is supported by the child).
(Inherited from IChildChangedEventSink)
Public methodEhParentTunnelingEventHappened
(Inherited from IDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodGetChildObjectNamed retrieves the object with the name
(Inherited from INamedObjectCollection)
Public methodGetCollectionForProjectItemType Gets the collection for a certain project item type.
Public methodGetDocumentPathForProjectItem Gets the document path for project item, using its type and name. It is not neccessary that the item is part of the project yet.
Public methodGetNameOfChildObject Retrieves the name of the provided object.
(Inherited from INamedObjectCollection)
Public methodGetRootPathForProjectItemType Gets the root path for a given project item type.
Public methodRemoveItem Removes the provided project item to the Altaxo project, for instance a table or a graph, to the project.
Public methodSetDisposeInProgress Sets the flag that dispose is in progress for this node and all child nodes recursively.
(Inherited from IDocumentLeafNode)
Public methodSuspendGetToken Suspends the event handling of the object by getting a suspend token. The event handling of the object is resumed when the suspend token is disposed.
(Inherited from ISuspendableByToken)
Public methodTryGetExistingItemWithSameTypeAndName Tries to get an existing project item with the same type and name as the provided item.
Public methodTryGetName Test if this item already has a name.
(Inherited from INamedObject)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetPropertyContext Gets the property context of the document node. If the provided node is not implementing IPropertyBagOwner, the parent nodes of this node are searched, until a node which implements IPropertyBagOwner is found.
(Defined by PropertyExtensions)
See Also