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FontX Methods

The FontX type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this instance.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object))
Protected methodFinalize Since this instance don't hold any unmanaged font objects by itself, only the FontDestructed event is fired to announce the disposal of this instance. FontManager, which have registered to this event, can then free associated resources.
(Overrides ObjectFinalize)
Public methodStatic memberGetFamilyNameSizeStyleFromInvariantDescriptionString Extracts font family name, size and style from the invariant description string.
Public methodGetHashCodeReturns a hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode)
Public methodStatic memberGetInvariantDescriptionString Gets an invariant description string, providing the font family, the size and the style of a font.
Public methodStatic memberGetInvariantDescriptionStringWithoutSizeInformation Gets an invariant description string, providing the font family, the size and the style of a font.
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberInternalCreateFromInvariantDescriptionString Internal creates a FontX instance from an invariant description string. This function is intended to use only by FontManagers!
Public methodStatic memberInternalCreateFromNameSizeStyle 
Public methodToStringReturns a String that represents this instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodWithFamily Creates a font like the existing font, but with a new font family name.
Public methodWithSize Gets a font like the existing font, but with a new size.
Public methodWithStyle Gets a font like the existing font, but with a new font style.
See Also