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ROFloatArrayWrapperStructAmendedUnshifted Methods

The VectorMathROFloatArrayWrapperStructAmendedUnshifted type exposes the following members.

Public methodEqualsIndicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
(Inherited from ValueType)
Public methodGetEnumerator 
Public methodGetHashCodeReturns the hash code for this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
(Inherited from ValueType)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodAny Determines whether the given vector contains any elements.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodAny Determines whether any element of the vector satisfies a condition.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodAny Determines whether any element of the vector satisfies a condition.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodAverage Returns the average (=sum/N) of the elements in vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodCovariance Estimates the unbiased population covariance from the provided samples. On a dataset of size N will use an N-1 normalizer (Bessel's correction). Returns NaN if data has less than two entries or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodElementsAtSingle
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodElementsWhereSingle
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodElementsWhereSingle
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodEmpiricalCDF Estimates the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) at x from the provided samples.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodEmpiricalCDFFunc Estimates the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF) at x from the provided samples.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodEmpiricalInvCDF Estimates the empirical inverse CDF at tau from the provided samples.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodEmpiricalInvCDFFunc Estimates the empirical inverse CDF at tau from the provided samples.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodEuclideanNormGiven an n-vector x, this function calculates the euclidean norm of x.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodExcessKurtosisOfNormalized Returns the excess kurtosis of the elements in vector. The excess kurtosis is defined as excesskurtosis(X) = E{X^4} - 3(E{X²})².
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodFirstOrSingle Returns the first value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, the other value provided in the arguments.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodFiveNumberSummary Estimates {min, lower-quantile, median, upper-quantile, max} from the provided samples. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodFlattenFromRootToLeavesSingle Converts a recursive data structure into a flat list. The root element is enumerated before its corresponding child element(s).
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodForEachDoSingle Executes an action for each element of the sequence.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGeometricMean Evaluates the geometric mean. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodGetPossibleStepsToMoveTowardsHigherIndicesSingle Return the number of steps that selected items can be moved towards higher indices. The selected item with the highest index determines that value.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetPossibleStepsToMoveTowardsLowerIndicesSingle Return the number of steps that selected items can be moved towards lower indices. The selected item with the lowest index determines that value.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetUsedLength Returns the used length of the vector. This is one more than the highest index of the element that is different from NaN.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodGetUsedLength Returns the used length of the vector. This is one more than the highest index of the element that is different from Double.NaN.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodHarmonicMean Evaluates the harmonic mean. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodHasSingleElementSingle Determines whether the specified enumeration has exactly one element.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfSingle Gets the index of an item in a enumeration or list.
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfFirstSingle Gets the index the of first item in list that fulfills the predicate predicate
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfFirstSingle Gets the index the of first item in list that fulfills the predicate predicate
(Defined by ListExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMaxSingleReturn the index of the element with the maximum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMaxAbsoluteValueReturn the index of the first element with the maximum absolute value in a vector
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMaxValueReturn the index of the first element with the maximum value in a vector
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMinSingleReturn the index of the element with the minimum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMinAbsoluteValueReturn the index of the first element with the minimum absolute value in a vector
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfMinValueReturn the index of the first element with the minimum value in a vector
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32AndValuesWhereSingle Returns tuples of index and element of all elements in an enumeration which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32AndValuesWhereSingle Returns tuples of index and element of all elements in an enumeration which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value and its index.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32WhereSingle Returns the indices of the elements which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesInt32WhereSingle Returns the indices of the elements which fullfill a given condition, given by the element's value and its index.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIndicesOfMinMaxSingleReturn the index of the element with the minimum value in an enumerable. If multiple elements with the same minimal value exist, the index of the first element in the sequence is returned.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodInterquartileRange Estimates the inter-quartile range from the provided samples. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodIsEmptySingle Determines whether the specified enumeration is empty.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIsStrictlyDecreasing Returns true if the sequence given by the vector argument is strictly decreasing.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodIsStrictlyIncreasing Returns true if the sequence given by the vector argument is strictly increasing.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodIsStrictlyIncreasingOrDecreasing Returns true if the sequence given by the vector argument is strictly increasing or decreasing.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodIsStrictlyIncreasingOrDecreasing Returns true if the sequence given by the vector argument is strictly increasing or decreasing.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodJoinConditionalSingle, T2 Takes a join of two sequences, but only takes into account those pair, which fulfill a given condition.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodJoinConditionalSingle, T2, TResult Takes a join of two sequences, but only takes into account those pair, which fulfill a given condition.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodKurtosis Returns the kurtosis of the elements in vector. The kurtosis is defined as kurtosis(X) = E{(X-µ)^4}/((E{(X-µ)²})².
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodL1Norm Calculates the L1 norm of the vector (as the sum of the absolute values of the elements).
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodL2NormGiven an n-vector x, this function calculates the euclidean norm of x.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodL2NormGiven an n-vector x, this function calculates the euclidean norm of x.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodLastOrSingle Returns the last value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, the other value provided in the arguments.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodLInfinityNorm Returns the L-infinity norm of the provided vector (as is the maximum of the absolute value of the elements). If one of the elements of the vector is invalid, the return value is also invalid (for the floating point types).
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodLowerQuartile Estimates the first quartile value from the provided samples. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodLpNormCompute the p Norm of this vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMax Returns the maximum of the elements in vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMax Returns the maximum of the elements in vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMaxElementSingle, M Gets the element of a IEnumerabe that evaluates by means of a conversion function to the maximal value. This is different from Select(x => conversion(x)).Max() insofar as it not returns the maximum value, but the original element x which converts to the maximum value.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMaximum Returns the maximum value in the sample data. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMaximumAbsolute Returns the maximum absolute value in the sample data. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMaxOf Creates a new vector, whose elements are the maximum of the elements of a given input vector and a given number.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMaxOfValidElements Returns the maximum value of all the valid elements in x (nonvalid elements, i.e. NaN values are not considered).
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMaxOrDefaultSingle, M Evaluates the maximum of a enumeration of elements, or returns a default value if the series is empty.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodMean Returns the average (=sum/N) of the elements in vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMean Evaluates the sample mean, an estimate of the population mean. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMeanAndVariance Returns the average (=sum/N) of the elements in vector, as well as the variance (sum of squares of the mean centered values divided by length of the vector).
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMeanStandardDeviation Estimates the sample mean and the unbiased population standard deviation from the provided samples. On a dataset of size N will use an N-1 normalizer (Bessel's correction). Returns NaN for mean if data is empty or if any entry is NaN and NaN for standard deviation if data has less than two entries or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMeanVariance Estimates the sample mean and the unbiased population variance from the provided samples. On a dataset of size N will use an N-1 normalizer (Bessel's correction). Returns NaN for mean if data is empty or if any entry is NaN and NaN for variance if data has less than two entries or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMedian Estimates the sample median from the provided samples (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMin Returns the minimum of the elements in vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMin Returns the minimum of the elements in vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodMinimum Returns the minimum value in the sample data. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMinimumAbsolute Returns the minimum absolute value in the sample data. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodMinOfValidElements Returns the minimum value of all the valid elements in x (nonvalid elements, i.e. NaN values are not considered).
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodPercentile Estimates the p-Percentile value from the provided samples. If a non-integer Percentile is needed, use Quantile instead. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodPercentileFunc Estimates the p-Percentile value from the provided samples. If a non-integer Percentile is needed, use Quantile instead. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodPopulationCovariance Evaluates the population covariance from the provided full populations. On a dataset of size N will use an N normalizer and would thus be biased if applied to a subset. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodPopulationStandardDeviation Evaluates the standard deviation from the provided full population. On a dataset of size N will use an N normalizer and would thus be biased if applied to a subset. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodPopulationVariance Evaluates the variance from the provided full population. On a dataset of size N will use an N normalizer and would thus be biased if applied to a subset. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodQuantile Estimates the tau-th quantile from the provided samples. The tau-th quantile is the data value where the cumulative distribution function crosses tau. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodQuantileCustom Estimates the tau-th quantile from the provided samples. The tau-th quantile is the data value where the cumulative distribution function crosses tau. The quantile definition can be specified to be compatible with an existing system.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodQuantileCustomFunc Estimates the tau-th quantile from the provided samples. The tau-th quantile is the data value where the cumulative distribution function crosses tau. The quantile definition can be specified to be compatible with an existing system.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodQuantileFunc Estimates the tau-th quantile from the provided samples. The tau-th quantile is the data value where the cumulative distribution function crosses tau. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodQuantileRank Estimates the quantile tau from the provided samples. The tau-th quantile is the data value where the cumulative distribution function crosses tau. The quantile definition can be specified to be compatible with an existing system.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodQuantileRankFunc Estimates the quantile tau from the provided samples. The tau-th quantile is the data value where the cumulative distribution function crosses tau. The quantile definition can be specified to be compatible with an existing system.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodRanks Evaluates the rank of each entry of the provided samples. The rank definition can be specified to be compatible with an existing system.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodRootMeanSquare Evaluates the root mean square (RMS) also known as quadratic mean. Returns NaN if data is empty or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodSelectCombinationSingle Select a random combination, without repetition, from a data sequence by selecting k elements in original order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectCombinationWithRepetitionSingle Select a random combination, with repetition, from a data sequence by selecting k elements in original order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectPermutationSingle Select a random permutation from a data sequence by returning the provided data in random order. Implemented using Fisher-Yates Shuffling.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectVariationSingle Select a random variation, without repetition, from a data sequence by randomly selecting k elements in random order. Implemented using partial Fisher-Yates Shuffling.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodSelectVariationWithRepetitionSingle Select a random variation, with repetition, from a data sequence by randomly selecting k elements in random order.
(Defined by Combinatorics)
Public Extension MethodStandardDeviation Estimates the unbiased population standard deviation from the provided samples. On a dataset of size N will use an N-1 normalizer (Bessel's correction). Returns NaN if data has less than two entries or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodTakeAllButLastSingle Takes all elements of the enumeration except the last element.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodThisOrEmptySingle Returns either the provided enumeration, or if it is null, an empty enumeration.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodToInverseROVector Wraps a float[] array to get an [!:IReadOnlyList<float>] with elements = 1 / elements of the original vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodToInverseROVector Wraps a float[] array till a given length to get an [!:IReadOnlyList<float>] with elements = 1 / elements of the original vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodToROSubVectorSingle Creates a subvector of the read-only vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodToROVector Wraps a section of an original vector into a new vector.
(Defined by VectorMath)
Public Extension MethodTryGetFirstAndLastSingle Returns true and the first and last value of the enumeration, or, if the enumeration is empty, returns false.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodTryGetSingleElementSingle Try to get the one and only element of the collection.
(Defined by EnumerableExtensions)
Public Extension MethodUpperQuartile Estimates the third quartile value from the provided samples. Approximately median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution (R8).
(Defined by Statistics)
Public Extension MethodVariance Estimates the unbiased population variance from the provided samples. On a dataset of size N will use an N-1 normalizer (Bessel's correction). Returns NaN if data has less than two entries or if any entry is NaN.
(Defined by Statistics)
See Also