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MatrixExtensions Methods

The MatrixExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public Extension MethodImaginary(MatrixComplex32) Gets a real matrix representing the imaginary parts of a complex matrix.
Public Extension MethodImaginary(MatrixComplex) Gets a real matrix representing the imaginary parts of a complex matrix.
Public Extension MethodReal(MatrixComplex32) Gets a real matrix representing the real parts of a complex matrix.
Public Extension MethodReal(MatrixComplex) Gets a real matrix representing the real parts of a complex matrix.
Public Extension MethodToComplex(MatrixComplex32) Converts a matrix to double precision complex numbers.
Public Extension MethodToComplex(MatrixDouble) Gets a double precision complex matrix with the real parts from the given matrix.
Public Extension MethodToComplex32(MatrixComplex) Converts a matrix to single precision complex numbers.
Public Extension MethodToComplex32(MatrixSingle) Gets a single precision complex matrix with the real parts from the given matrix.
Public Extension MethodToDouble Converts a matrix to double precision.
Public Extension MethodToSingle Converts a matrix to single precision.
See Also