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FigureRenumeratorGetCaptionList Method

Gets a list with all figure captions of the document, where i) there is exactly one figure caption in the figure, ii) a figure identifier (such as 'Figure') can be clearly identified, and iii) a number can be identified in that caption.

Namespace: Altaxo.Text
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public static List<((string , int , int ) Category, (int , int ) Number, Figure Figure, FigureCaption FigureCaption)> GetCaptionList(
	MarkdownDocument document


document  MarkdownDocument
The document.

Return Value

ListValueTupleValueTupleString, Int32, Int32, ValueTupleInt32, Int32, Figure, FigureCaption
A tuple. The category tuple contains the caption identifier (such as 'Figure') along with its position and length. The Number tuple contains the position and length of the number string in the document. The 3rd element of the tuple is the figure which contains the caption. The last element of the tuple is the figure caption.
See Also