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ShiftGroupComplexSeparateX Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the ShiftGroupDouble class.

Namespace: Altaxo.Science.Thermorheology.MasterCurves
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public ShiftGroupComplexSeparateX(
	IEnumerable<ShiftCurve<double>?> dataRe,
	IEnumerable<ShiftCurve<double>?> dataIm,
	ShiftXBy xShiftBy,
	double fitWeightRe,
	double fitWeightIm,
	bool logarithmizeXForInterpolation,
	bool logarithmizeYForInterpolation,
	Func<(IReadOnlyList<double> XRe, IReadOnlyList<double> YRe, IReadOnlyList<double> XIm, IReadOnlyList<double> YIm), Func<double, Complex>> createInterpolationFunction


dataRe  IEnumerableShiftCurveDouble
Collection of multiple x-y curves that will finally form the real part master curve.
dataIm  IEnumerableShiftCurveDouble
Collection of multiple x-y curves that will finally form the imaginary part of the master curve.
xShiftBy  ShiftXBy
Shift method, either additive or multiplicative.
fitWeightRe  Double
The weight with which the real part participate in the fit. Has to be > 0.
fitWeightIm  Double
The weight with which the imaginary part participate in the fit. Has to be > 0.
logarithmizeXForInterpolation  Boolean
If true, the x-values are logarithmized prior to participating in the interpolation function.
logarithmizeYForInterpolation  Boolean
If true, the y-values are logartihmized prior to participating in the interpolation function.
createInterpolationFunction  FuncValueTupleIReadOnlyListDouble, IReadOnlyListDouble, IReadOnlyListDouble, IReadOnlyListDouble, FuncDouble, Complex
Function that creates the interpolation. Input are the x-array, y-array, and optionally, the array of y-errors. Output is an interpolation function which returns an interpolated y-value for a given x-value.
See Also