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SingleGraphPrintOptionsGetZoomAndStartLocation Method

Get the scale factor and the start location of an docoment onto a page.

Namespace: Altaxo.Graph
Assembly: AltaxoBase (in AltaxoBase.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
public void GetZoomAndStartLocation(
	RectangleF PageBounds,
	RectangleF MarginBounds,
	SizeF graphSize,
	out float zoom,
	out PointF startLocationOnPage,
	bool usePrintingUnits


PageBounds  RectangleF
Bounds of the page in 1/100 inch.
MarginBounds  RectangleF
Margins of the page in 1/100 inch.
graphSize  SizeF
Size of the document in 1/72 inch.
zoom  Single
Returns the zoom factor to use for the document.
startLocationOnPage  PointF
Returns the start location onto the page in 1/100 inch.
usePrintingUnits  Boolean
If true use printing units (1/100 inch) instead of points.
See Also