IIterationStopCriterionTDetermineStatus Method |
Determines the status of the iterative calculation based on the stop criteria stored
by the current IIterationStopCriterion. Status is set to Status field of current object.
Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.SolversAssembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
SyntaxIterationStatus DetermineStatus(
int iterationNumber,
Vector<T> solutionVector,
Vector<T> sourceVector,
Vector<T> residualVector
- iterationNumber Int32
- The number of iterations that have passed so far.
- solutionVector VectorT
- The vector containing the current solution values.
- sourceVector VectorT
- The right hand side vector.
- residualVector VectorT
- The vector containing the current residual vectors.
Return Value
IterationStatus[Missing <returns> documentation for "M:Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.Solvers.IIterationStopCriterion`1.DetermineStatus(System.Int32,Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.Vector{`0},Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.Vector{`0},Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra.Vector{`0})"]
The individual stop criteria may internally track the progress of the calculation based
on the invocation of this method. Therefore this method should only be called if the
calculation has moved forwards at least one step.
See Also