Real part of the Fourier transformed derivative of the Kohlrausch function for all frequencies. In dependence on the parameters,
either a series expansion (accuracy ca. 1E-14) or a bivariate akima spline (accuracy 1E-4) is used.
Namespace: Altaxo.CalcAssembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
Syntaxpublic static double Re(
double beta,
double w
- beta Double
- Beta parameter (0..1).
- w Double
- Circular frequency.
Return Value
DoubleReal part of the Fourier transformed derivative of the Kohlrausch function, or double.NaN if the function can not be evaluated (can happen for beta smaller than 1/64).
RemarksThis is the real part of the Fourier transform (in Mathematica notation): Re[Integrate[-D[Exp[-t^beta],t]*Exp[-I w t],{t, 0, Infinity}]]. For
beta smaller than one, the return value is always positive.
Wanted! Who can contribute to a more accurate interpolation between the points? (The points itself are calculated with an
accuracy of 1E-18.)
See Also