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SmoothingCubicSplineBasesperr1 Method

Calculates bayesian estimates of the standard errors of the fitted values of a cubic smoothing spline by calculating the diagonal elements of the influence matrix.

Namespace: Altaxo.Calc.Interpolation
Assembly: AltaxoCore (in AltaxoCore.dll) Version: 4.8.3261.0 (4.8.3261.0)
protected static void sperr1(
	double[] x,
	double avh,
	double[] dy,
	int n,
	double[][] R,
	double p,
	double var,
	double[] se


x  Double
Abscissae values of the data points.
avh  Double
Scaling parameter for the x-intervals.
dy  Double
Relative standard deviation of the error associated with the data point i. Each dy[i] must be positive. The values were scaled by spint so that the sum of their squares is n.
n  Int32
Number of data points.
R  Double
Work array.
p  Double

[Missing <param name="p"/> documentation for "M:Altaxo.Calc.Interpolation.SmoothingCubicSplineBase.sperr1(System.Double[],System.Double,System.Double[],System.Int32,System.Double[][],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double[])"]

var  Double

[Missing <param name="var"/> documentation for "M:Altaxo.Calc.Interpolation.SmoothingCubicSplineBase.sperr1(System.Double[],System.Double,System.Double[],System.Int32,System.Double[][],System.Double,System.Double,System.Double[])"]

se  Double
On return: contains the calculated standard errors.
See Also