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WITecImportDataSource Fields

The WITecImportDataSource type exposes the following members.

Protected field_accumulatedEventData Holds the accumulated change data.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Protected field_fileSystemWatchers 
Protected field_isDeserializationInProgressIndicates that serialization of the whole AltaxoDocument (!) is still in progress. Data sources should not be updated during serialization.
Protected field_isDirty 
Protected field_parent The parent object this instance belongs to.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Protected field_suspendTokensOfChildsStores the suspend tokens of the suspended childs of this object.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNode)
Protected field_triggerBasedUpdate 
See Also