The prefactors outside and inside the argument of the Cosh terms in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy. (Inherited from HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl)
Prefactor and exponent of the exponential terms in the ideal part of the residual Helmholtz energy.
Page 429 Table 6.1 in [2]
(Inherited from HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl)
The prefactors outside and inside the argument of the Sinh terms in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy. (Inherited from HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl)
Parameter for the exponential terms of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
term = ni * tau^ti * delta^di * Exp(gi * delta^li)
with gi normally equal to -1.
(Inherited from HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl)