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HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl Fields

The HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl type exposes the following members.

Protected field_alpha0_CoshThe prefactors outside and inside the argument of the Cosh terms in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
Protected field_alpha0_Exp Prefactor and exponent of the exponential terms in the ideal part of the residual Helmholtz energy. Page 429 Table 6.1 in [2]
Protected field_alpha0_n_constThe constant term in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
Protected field_alpha0_n_lntauThe term with the factor ln(tau) in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
Protected field_alpha0_n_tauThe term with the factor tau in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
Protected field_alpha0_n_taulntauThe term with the factor tau*ln(tau) in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
Protected field_alpha0_Poly 
Protected field_alpha0_SinhThe prefactors outside and inside the argument of the Sinh terms in the equation of the ideal part of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
Protected field_alphaR_Exp Parameter for the exponential terms of the reduced Helmholtz energy. term = ni * tau^ti * delta^di * Exp(gi * delta^li) with gi normally equal to -1.
Protected field_alphaR_Gauss 
Protected field_alphaR_Nonanalytical 
Protected field_alphaR_Poly Parameter for the polynomial terms of the reduced Helmholtz energy.
Protected fieldStatic member_emptyDoubleArray 
Protected fieldStatic member_emptyDoubleDoubleArray 
Protected field_meltingPressure_Coefficients 
Protected field_meltingPressure_ReducingPressure 
Protected field_meltingPressure_ReducingTemperature 
Protected field_meltingPressure_Type 
Protected field_saturatedLiquidDensity_Coefficients 
Protected field_saturatedLiquidDensity_Type 
Protected field_saturatedVaporDensity_Coefficients 
Protected field_saturatedVaporDensity_Type 
Protected field_saturatedVaporPressure_Coefficients 
Protected field_saturatedVaporPressure_Type 
Protected field_sublimationPressure_PolynomialCoefficients1 
Protected field_sublimationPressure_PolynomialCoefficients2 
Protected field_sublimationPressure_PolynomialCoefficients3 
Protected field_sublimationPressure_ReducingPressure 
Protected field_sublimationPressure_ReducingTemperature 
Protected field_sublimationPressure_Type 
See Also