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BitmapImportOptionsController Fields

The BitmapImportOptionsController type exposes the following members.

Protected field_docThe document to edit. If _useDocumentCopy is true, this is a copy of the original document; otherwise, it is the original document itself.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditImmutableDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected field_originalDocThe original document. If _useDocumentCopy is false, it maybe has been edited by this controller.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditImmutableDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected field_useDocumentCopyIf true, a copy of the document is made before editing; this copy can later be used to revert the state of the document to the original state.
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditImmutableDocBaseTModel, TView)
Protected field_viewThe Gui view of this controller
(Inherited from MVCANControllerEditImmutableDocBaseTModel, TView)
See Also