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PlotColumnInformation Fields

The PlotColumnInformation type exposes the following members.

Protected field_isDirty 
Protected field_nameOfUnderlyingDataColumn If the underlying column is or was a data column, then here we store the data column's name.
Protected field_plotColumnBoxState 
Protected field_plotColumnBoxStateIfColumnIsMissing Gives the plot column box state if the column is missing.
Protected field_plotColumnBoxText 
Protected field_plotColumnToolTip 
Protected field_supposedDataTable The data table that is supposed to be the parent data table of the column.
Protected field_supposedGroupNumber The group number that is supposed to be the group number of the column.
Protected field_transformation 
Protected field_transformationBoxText 
Protected field_transformationToolTip 
Protected field_underlyingColumn 
See Also