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ScatterPlotStyle Fields

The ScatterPlotStyle type exposes the following members.

Protected field_accumulatedEventData Holds the accumulated change data.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeWithSingleAccumulatedDataT)
Protected field_cachedColorForIndexFunctionIf this function is set, the symbol color is determined by calling this function on the index into the data.
Protected field_cachedSymbolSizeForIndexFunctionIf this function is set, then _symbolSize is ignored and the symbol size is evaluated by this function.
Protected field_color The color supposed to be the plot color. Depending on the influence flag, this color influences different parts of the symbol.
Protected field_ignoreMissingDataPoints If true, treat missing points as if not present (e.g. connect lines over missing points, count skip seamlessly over missing points)
Protected field_independentColorIs the material color independent, i.e. not influenced by group styles.
Protected field_independentScatterSymbol 
Protected field_independentSkipFreq Indicates whether SkipFrequency is independent of other sub-styles.
Protected field_independentSymbolSizeIs the size of the symbols independent, i.e. not influenced by group styles.
Protected field_overriddenFrame 
Protected field_overriddenInset 
Protected field_overrideFillColor 
Protected field_overrideFrame 
Protected field_overrideFrameColor 
Protected field_overrideInset 
Protected field_overrideInsetColor 
Protected field_overrideStructureWidthFactor If set, this overrides the relative structure width of the scatter symbol.
Protected field_overrideStructureWidthOffset If set, this overrides the absolute structure width of the scatter symbol.
Protected field_parent The parent object this instance belongs to.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNodeBase)
Protected field_scatterSymbol The scatter symbol.
Protected field_skipFreqA value of 2 skips every other data point, a value of 3 skips 2 out of 3 data points, and so on.
Protected field_suspendTokensOfChildsStores the suspend tokens of the suspended childs of this object.
(Inherited from SuspendableDocumentNode)
Protected field_symbolSizeSize of the symbols in points.
See Also