7 January 2023

Integration of Math.Net Numerics

by LelliD

I’m proud to announce that the great mathematical library Math.Net Numerics is now integrated in Altaxo. In order to have a smooth experience when converting the scripts from the old linear algebra library to this new one, I changed the namespace from MathNet.Numerics to Altaxo.Calc. This means for you, that e.g. the linear algebra classes can be found (as was before) in the namespace Altaxo.Calc.LinearAlgebra. Additionally, the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) provider was added, so that linear algebra functions and Fourier transformations can use the full power of the CPU.

Because of the integration, some of the classes in the core library now are redundant. In the next months I will clean up the code and remove the redundant classes/functions.
